Wednesday, January 14, 2009

For the Love of Fundraising...

For the Love of Fundraising... We are offering our children's book Ecology From A to Z to any school that would like to sell it for a fundraiser and receive 25% of the proceeds back. It retails for $19.95 and we would donate $5 of each book back to the school. This beautiful, hard bound book (printed on recycled paper) is about Irv the turtle and a boy named BoBo Darling. The two take a magical walk and journey through the alphabet in an effort to raise awareness about ecology. It is a fun to read rhyme that is entertaining and educational. The book is for sale on our website We are donating proceeds to an earth friendly organization as well as offering it to schools. The future belongs to the children so help us teach them to GO GREEN! Angel's Food for Thought..our mission is "helping children develop an appetite to learn" and "raising funds for charity through educational clarity".

1 comment:

  1. Buy your copy on on March 9th and help launch us to the best sellers list!
